Kamis, 03 September 2015

Sengkaling Food Festival

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. . ^.^

  in this opportuny, I will description abaout Sengkaling Food Festival.
ever you heard that? or maybe you ever visit it? :)

 yah, Sengkaling is recreation park in Raya Mulyoagung street, No.188. Malang, East Java, Indonesia. since last May was taken over by UMM.

Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Dr Muhajjir Effendi in Malang, on Tuesday, admitted if the recreational park that had been managed by PT Bentoel it belonged to UMM and the future will be developed into a tourist education.

If the first, the beginning of the operation this Sengkaling Recreational Park, only for employees of PT. Bentoel. But while its development, Sengkaling Recreation Park then opened to the public. Recreation Park Sengkaling with the overall land area of 9 hectars. Meanwhile Vice Rector (PR) II UMM Fauzan added the concept of tourist development area of ​​9 hectares Sengkaling more later lead to educational tours, so that people will not only recreation with the aim of having fun, but also learn.

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